FSHISD School Board Approves 2022-2023 Compensation Plan

Today the FSHISD Board of Trustees approved the 2022-2023 Budget and the Compensation Plan. 



Teachers, Librarians, and Registered Nurses
-  Starting salary (step 0) on the hiring scale increased to $56,500 from $55,000 for Bachelor’s Degree, based on a 187-day work schedule
- Continue an additional $2,000 at each step for a Master’s Degree
- Mid-point salary increased to $63,375 from $61,875
- Compensation increase for those employed in the District prior to the 2022-2023 school year is $2,000, which is a 3.15% increase based on the mid-point salary
Paraeducators, Paraprofessionals, and Auxiliary Staff
- Scales revised to achieve market-rate competitiveness
- Compensation increase of 3.0% from the mid-point of each scale for paraeducators and paraprofessionals
- Auxiliary staff rates required a higher adjustment than other scales to achieve market competitiveness
- Minimum hourly rate for full-time staff increased to $13.00 from $11.50
- All auxiliary staff will receive a minimum hourly rate increase of $1.10
Administrative Professional Staff
- Compensation increase of 2.5% from the mid-point of each scale; scales revised to achieve market-rate competitiveness
In addition, the employer contribution for health insurance is $550 per month. FSHISD will also continue the early resignation notice incentive of $500. 
Thank you to our School Board for their commitment to our teachers and staff!